10-days Vipassana in Czech Republic
Thursday 13 - Sunday 23 April 2017

Once a year Naropa gives a ten-day vipassana retreat in the beautiful and quiet venue “Sammasati” in the Czech Republic. This silence retreat exposes yourself. It is a direct encounter with the timeliness reality. It also gives a natural detoxification of the body and mind. The natural state is characterized by openness, emptiness, presence, timelessness and love.
We have five or six daily sessions of an hour sitting and walking meditation. If the weather permits we can also sit outside.
The Gayatri Mantra is recited every day and space is made for movement.
There is no approach proved so potent for self-realization as Vipassana. Over the centuries, thousands of people have been awakened by this simple technique and way of life. In the presence of a living Buddha this method is even more powerful. Love and Consciousness awaken thus together. Finally even the technique will be transcended. One is one with existence, natural with life.
Naropa came to enlightenment in 2002 during a 10-day retreat and thus keeps the tradition alive.
Prices: Double € 600 – and dormitory € 550. For Czech residents: 12.000 CZK and 10.000 CZK.
Your registration is only valid after paying the advance payment of € 180.
For more information and subscription: or .