The embodiment of Truth. 5 days with Naropa
Wednesday 17 - Sunday 21 February 2016

Wednesday 6 pm, 9 pm
Open satsang: What might prevent you from not knowing and not living the truth? Knowing the truth and not living it, is not knowing the truth. The real knowing is existential, beyond words. When you are ready and mature to investigate yourself honestly, Naropa guides you to remove your obstacles and defences.
Thursday 5 pm, 9 pm
Shifting your attention and fascination from the body-mind structure (the personality ) to the wordless presence of reality. The person is never fulfilled since it is not real. It is artificially manufactured. Who is in? That which is complete and perfect. “I am This”
Friday 5 pm, 9 pm
Independent Love is the natural blossoming of the liberated soul. It is the embodiment of truth. Buddha use to call this love “the shining one”. Only when you are not ( Tatagata) you are living abundance, a real king.
Saturday 10 am, 6 pm
All Genuine Teachings bring you to clarity and single pointedness. The mind is pure and free. Naropa guides us now to the quantum Leap from mind to no-mind. You will be experimentally introduced to the world of Zen. Not the zen from past traditions, but the only zen That really exist: The zen beyond time and space, your eternal body.
Sunday 10 am, 5 pm
We continue the non- experience of zen. The logical mind is left far behind so we are emerged in the ordinary and extra-ordinariness of Reality.
information and bookings: