Satsang online (Engelstalig)
Wednesday 8 April 2020 | 20:00 - 22:30 uur

Wednesday Satsang (English) 8 April at 20:00
Meeting ID: 253 447 261
Required meeting password: 005183
About Zoom:
Make sure you have installed the Zoom application well in advance.
On a desktop computer, simply click on the link and you will be asked to install the application or you can download it from their website.
Guide Zoom for participants
The satsangs are based on donation.
Mention „donation“ when you transfer money.
We rely on your generosity.
It is easy for you and our administration to donate for the whole week or even month.
You can transfer donations to:
Naropa Parivartan
NL71 RABO 0129 7969 99