Satsang in Prague
Sunday 31 October 2021 | 14:00 - 16:30 uur, Kč 350

With Naropa, satsang is not a teaching or a method. It is enough to come with an open heart and the rest goes by itself. In Naropa’s presence you come home.
Satsang is experiential art. You don’t have to understand anything, but you naturally merge with your essence. Satsang is not about problems. Satsang is the art of coinciding with your deepest reality.
Naropa is not a teacher or guru. He is himself. He is love.
Anyone who wants to experience themselves beyond conventional thinking is invited.
Satsang is a celebration. A concert of presence and joy, silence and wonder.
The space will be open 30 minutes before the programme. Please come in time.
The payment for satsang will be made in cash. (Please get ready the exact amount if possible.) The satsang will be in English, translated into Czech. Please bring a meditation chair or a pillow to sit on; some standard chairs will be available at the back for those who need them.
Before coming to satsang, check on this event page if there are any actual hygienic rules required.
Satsang price: 350 Czk
Address: Top Dance Prague Team – TŠ Ivy Langerové, Štorchova 1555/5, 180 00 Praha 8