Satsang in Brno live and online
Saturday 17 May 2025 | 15:30 - 18:00 uur

This satsang in Brno is also possible to join online, the link can be found in the last newsletter.
If you want to receive the newsletter you can sign up here.
The satsang will be translated from English to Czech.
Satsang live – 400,- CZK / € 17
You do not need to sign up for the satsang.
However, it is convenient if you transfer € 17 before the start, stating your name, date (live or online) to this Czech account:
IBAN: CZ9727000000001326571019
Name: C. Van Steijn
If you join online make sure you make the payment for the satsang in advance.
Location: Dance school Danza, Okružní 1, Brno – Lesná, 638 00
Tram 7, 9, 11 – tram stop Halasovo náměstí
Parking available near the venue.