Satsang day
Saturday 19 September 2015 | 10:00 - 18:00 uur

Naropa is coming for a long and intensive weekend as is his trademark.
We will be introduced to the blue tinted medicine Buddha and during the weekend we will learn and recite the full mantra a 98 times.
When in Kathmandu at 21 Naropa met the blue tinted medicine Buddha for the first time. During a stay in the Sinai desert with ShantiMayi this great healer was again brought to his attention and ever since the lapis lazuli colored Buddha has become one of the applied forms of transmission. This Buddha is available to heal all suffering. The great suffering is a result of not knowing and not living our natural state of being. To eliminate this ignorance is the greatest challenge for mankind. The elimination of ignorance is the biggest medicine against all “war”, on an individual and global level.
This mantra is also recited during someone’s deathbed as it has the potency to guide the person who is dying to the recognition of its immortal nature.
Besides this potent and transforming mantra we will be introduced to the Dhammapada. This is the main heritage from Buddha. We will be inspired by some of the sutra’s, helping us to remove the veil of ignorance and showing us our Buddha nature. Together with the presence of Naropa it will be an intense light and deep weekend. Tasting and living our original selfless self.
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