Sacha festival
Wednesday 30 Sep - Sunday 4 Oct 2015

3rd Sacha festival in Wustrow (GERMANY)
30 september – 4 october 2015
For the third Sacha Festival we found a new location in the beautiful Wendland in Germany. From Prague it is 487 km. Since 2004 a group of people from ShantiMayi’s Sangha lives in “Sachahaus”. You can visit their website:
This rustic place has a beautiful meditation room and a spacious garden for outdoor activities. The spoken language will be English. At this location we have 20 beds in several bedrooms and in the garden there is space for five tents. At 1500 meters from Sacha Haus we have another sleeping accommodation for 30 people. All double rooms. This is the place where we will also eat together.
We start on Wednesday night with an open satsang. This evening is also accessible to people who do not take part in the festival.
On Thursday and Friday Pavan will offer a sweat lodge ceremony and Mati a dance program. On weekends Naropa has all day satsang and meditation. Every day we start with Gayatri Mantra meditation and we end with Osho Kundalini meditation. Saturday night we have a dance party with DJ Durga Mati. Savituriya, the mantra group will also play regularly. On Sunday morning we start with a Havan (fire ceremony).
Pavan: : Is more than 20 years associated with Sacha tradition and cofounder of Sauchahaus. She offers satsang, vipassana and sweat lodge ceremonies.
Naropa: Is since 1994 connected to the Sacha tradition. From 2008 he gives satsang, retreats and organizes regular trips abroad.
Mati: : Is connected to the Sacha tradition since 2008. From 1998, she teaches dance in Holland and other countries. She developed a unique way of combining dance, meditation and other sources of inspiration.
Registration and information
Adres: Sachahaus Amtshof 6-8 29462 Wustrow Germany
Costs: The festival is a complete package, including accommodation and meals provided. The price is € 320 when you sleep in Yogahaus – Ganesha and € 300.00 when you sleep in Sachahaus. Your place is confirmed when you have paid € 100.00. You can pay this cash to us in advance. The rest of the amount you pay on the spot. The rest of the information you will receive after booking. If you just want to come to the satsang evening on Wednesday it will cost € 12 in cash. You can sign up at the following email address: Your registration is final after the payment. The maximum number of participants is 44.
Dit evenement is volgeboekt.