Online vipassana-day
Sunday 28 November 2021 | 10:00 - 20:00 uur

Guidance is given in English.
Sign up on time and make the payment on time!
You will then receive the link a day in advance.
We have the following schedule:
10.00-11.15: Gayatri Mantra, which passes into silence. 108 recitations.
Naropa gives an introduction.
You can find the text on the internet if you are not familiar with it.
11.15-12.00: Walk and break
12.00-13.00: Sitting
13.00-14.15: Walk and Lunch or vice versa. Lying down is also fine. Pause
14.15-15.00: Sitting
15.00-15.45: Walk and break
15.45-16.30: Sitting
16.30-17.00 Walking or lying down
17.00-18.00 Sitting and sharing
You can transfer € 30 to Naropa Parivartan, stating ‘online vipassana day’, date, and your (call) name.
IBAN: NL71RABO0129796999
You can read the instructions for the vipassana here.
Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.