Online vipassana 10 day retreat Sacha Center Trimurti
Thursday 19 - Sunday 29 May 2022

You are invited to join online the 10-day retreat taking place in Trimurti from 19 May to 29 May.
You follow the entire programme with Zoom. The login codes will be given to you after registration and payment.
You can participate in the whole programme including the evening programme. This can be a sharing or something else.
You can live these days at home in silence. Seva can also be practised at home.
We have 6 daily sitting sessions of one hour or 45 minutes and walking meditation. We also recite the Gayatri mantra.
This silence retreat is nothing veiled and is a direct confrontation with reality. It gives a natural detoxification of body and mind to be in the simplicity and depth of the natural state. The natural state is characterised by: openness, emptiness, presence, timelessness and love.
For more information see:
Participation in the whole retreat costs € 250. You can also join for single days, one day costs € 35. Price for 5 days is 150 Eur.
Read here Naropa’s article: The new revolution in vipassana