Online satsang from Trimurti
Sunday 17 Jul - Friday 19 Aug 2022

If you are not able to come to Trimurti this summer, you can also follow satsang online.
For that you have to register. You will receive a zoom link with which you can follow the satsang.
The satsang are usually at 11:00 am
We would like to receive a contribution of € 10 per satsang.
If you transfer € 200 you can follow all 5 weeks of satsangs of this summer. Please note on Saturdays there is no satsang.
Registration form and additional information will follow.
Payment can be transferred to:
IBAN: CZ9727000000001326571019
C. van Steijn
Omschrijving: your (zoom)name + online(dag/periode) zomer 2022