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Online 5-days vipassana (in English)

Tuesday 4 - Sunday 9 February 2025

Online 5-days vipassana (in English)

You are invited to participate in the English-language retreat that will take place in the Oxerhof from March 26 to March 31, 2024

You follow the entire program via Zoom. You will receive the login codes from us after you have registered and paid.
You can participate in the entire program including the evening program.

If you do not participate in the entire program, you can at least attend the introduction on Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM.

You can live in silence at home these days. You can also apply Seva at home.
We have 5 or 6 sitting sessions of an hour or 45 minutes and walking meditation every day.

This silent retreat does not conceal anything and is a direct confrontation with current events and an encounter with reality. It provides a natural detoxification of body and mind to be in the simplicity and depth of the natural state. The natural state is characterized by: openness, emptiness, presence, timelessness and love.

Participation in the retreat costs €150, or €35 per day, which you must pay in advance. Only then will you receive the link for the zoom connection from us.

Transfer to:
Naropa Parivartan
NL71 RABO 0129 7969 99
stating ‘online vipassana retreat’, and your (call) name.

You can receive an invoice upon request.

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