Vipassana 10 day retreat Sacha Center Trimurti
Thursday 27 May - Sunday 6 Jun 2021

The 10-Day programme is the crowning glory of the whole year programme.
Infinitely deep stillness in Presence and in the Love of the Self.
Not just tasting the Reality,
but absorb it for a long time,
so that you are carried away by it into the eternal.
For more information see:
This silence retreat is nothing veiled and is an encounter
with current affairs and with reality.
The actuality shows you how you have become.
Reality shows you who you are.
Moreover, body and mind are detoxified
so that it is easy to be in the depth of the natural state.
The natural state itself has no characteristics,
but manifests as openness, emptiness, presence, timelessness and love.
We have 5 or 6 one-hour sitting sessions and walking meditation every day.
If the weather allows it, we can also sit outside.
The Gayatri Mantra is recited every day and room is made for movement.
In the evening Naropa accompanies the sharing.
There is no approach as potent for self-realization as Vipassana.
Throughout the centuries thousands of people have been awakened by this simple approach.
In the presence of Naropa this method becomes even more powerful.
Love and Consciousness thus awaken together.
The technique is a basis and is transcended as well as the realization.
It is recommended to practice vipassana daily a few weeks before the retreat begins.
Price 10 days in Czech Republic.
Attention! You pay separately for the program and stay.
Program Naropa € 250.
Transfer these to our Czech bank:
IBAN CZ97270000001326571019
based on “10 days” and your callsign.
Do not transfer this to our Dutch account
Prices of stay in Trimurti:
Accommodation costs depend on the type of accommodation and include meals.
Double room with bathroom € 360,- p.p.
Triple room with bathroom € 340,- p.p.
Quad room € 300,- p.p.
Cabin or tent € 280,- p.p.
You can transfer the amount for you to:
Sacha Parivartan s.r.o.
IBAN: CZ14 0100 0001 2305 0846 0227.
By mentioning ’10-days vipassana’ and your name
These are basic prices. If you would like to give dana (an extra contribution to support the centre) then that is of course welcome.
You can bring your own bed linen and towels or rent them for Czk 150 0f € 6,- per set.
Check-in time is 15.00
Check out time is 11.00
Read here Naropa’s article: The new revolution in vipassana
Sacha retreat centrum Trimurti,
Lísek 11,
59 301,
Česká Republika