Buddha’s revolution is the revelation that there is no self. There is nothing substantial. Consciousness has no center. There is no reference point. Everything is void. This manifested [...]
Я познакомился с Шанти Майя в 1994 году. Я помню ту легкость и радость, невероятную любовь и сияние, которое от нее исходило. Я испытал ее присутствие, ее любовь и был покорен ею с нашей первой [...]
Naropa: So let´s continue to polish the diamond…. M. I would like to share…I feel vulnarable to share this. It looks like two powers operating in me now. One is the creation and the [...]
N: Many of you are meeting me for the first time today. Tonight is also an opportunity to ask questions which come up. I also remember, in a program, there is something written about true [...]
The inner path of self-inquiry and meditation, takes us to the immediate realization of what is, and who you are. This existential research leads to „I am”, without an I. Beingness, Presence, [...]
From our first encounter in 1994, I remember the lightness and joy and moreover the love and radiation ShantiMayi was showering. I received her presence and love and was carried away by it since [...]